Did you know that growing a kilo of tomatoes in the open field requires a whopping 60 litres of water, whereas in hydroponic greenhouse cultivation it is only15 litres? A further reduction to 4 litres per kilo can be made by using state of the art greenhouse technology. The savings come from more efficient water application methods, like irrigation measurement at the crop or drain water re-use.
The information provided within the “Best Practice Guidelines for Greenhouse Water Management” is an example of a collaborative approach, where suppliers have come together to pool their knowledge and experience, offering advice to help facilitate improved environmental performance in the greenhouse sector via:
- More efficient use of water resources
- Reducing or eliminating pollution and the environmental problems caused by fertilizer run-off.
Best Practice Guidelines for Greenhouse Water Management
This guide has been written to provide greenhouse owners and managers with an overview of the current best practices for the application and recycling of water and nutrients in the greenhouse.