application, erik zwinkels, grodan


This wireless and flexible multi-sensor measuring system enables highly accurate and reliable 24/7 real-time insight into the WC, EC and temperature of the root environment.

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Sustainability & Circularity

High-tech biology and physics lessons from the greenhouse

Biological and natural principles are being practiced in the greenhouse on a daily basis. As a result, growers reduce their emissions and avoid using chemical crop protection products.

Sustainability & Circularity

High-tech biology and physics lessons from the greenhouse

Biological and natural principles are being practiced in the greenhouse on a daily basis. As a result, growers reduce their emissions and avoid using chemical crop protection products.

Thought Leadership

Growing more with less

We need to find more sustainable ways of feeding a growing, more urbanised population.

20181023 RW-GR PHO 31
Thought Leadership

The challenge: higher production using less water

Hydroponic greenhouse cultivation is on the rise all around the world.

20181022 RW-GR PHO 9
Thought Leadership

Collaborative approach results in Best Practice guidelines for Greenhouse water Management

Consumers are increasingly looking for quality food which is healthy, safe and at the same time cultivated sustainably.

20181022 RW-GR PHO 4
Thought Leadership

World Water Day 2018: Let’s talk water in horticulture

World Water Day is about focusing attention on the importance of water

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Our roots in sustainable growing

We are driven by developing the most sustainable growing solutions and by making these accessible to communities across the globe. This is our contribution to a future-proof horticulture that will provide people around the world with access to healthy food not only today but for generations to come.

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Propagation Solutions, growth, quality, innovative, development, revolutionary Vision Technology, Young plants, Grodan PRO PLUG

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