Producing a plant with ingredient substances
After the in vitro reproduction process, the tissue culture plants can be rooted in the lab, which takes about two to three weeks. The small shoots are then placed in a Grodan plug where they can continue to grow and root in. After two to three weeks, the plug goes to the block where the plant continues to grow for the last eight to ten weeks, develops strong roots and produces flowers.
Mike: “Quality, speed and uniformity are super important to our customers, and Perfect Plants can deliver this perfectly by providing the best genetics and plants. Once we have a small plant from tissue culture, transplanting to stone wool is almost a seamless step. Stone wool is such a good fit because of the sterility of the material. The fact that stone wool is steerable is an extremely important characteristic. It means a greater guarantee of plant uniformity and quality.”
Rob Kwinten, Business Development Manager at Grodan: “It really is remarkable to see how well stone wool fits into the production process for Perfect Plants. We also do tests regularly. For instance, we recently tested various sizes of plant holes to determine whether this influences rooting and plant development. These tests showed clear variations. This is how we keep getting a little bit closer to the ideal plant-block combination.”
Perfect Plants currently focuses on three segments: specialities, food and pharmaceuticals. This is a good, strong mix in which the potential for growth is vast and the ambitions are high.