Hydroponic strawberry growing is revolutionising the way we enjoy strawberries, offering a sweet taste of summer – even in winter! Traditionally, commercial strawberry growers have been limited to cultivating strawberries during the warmer months. However, many commercial growers are now discovering the benefits of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA). By optimising strawberry production through advanced techniques such as indoor plant propagation on ebb and flood tables, and using new innovative ways of growing they can ensure high-quality fruit yield and profitability. CEA allows growers to meet market demands by reducing dependency on outdoor weather conditions, ensuring fresh, high-quality strawberries year-round. This is especially valuable in winter when off-season produce prices peak, presenting a lucrative opportunity for growers.
In this article, we will explore key strategies to achieve year-round cultivation of everbearing strawberries, focusing on:
- Choosing a variety that allows you to grow year-round
- Keeping strawberry plants active in winter
- Effective root zone management
Choosing the suitable variety of strawberry plants for commercial strawberry growing: everbearers vs junebearers
The benefits of everbearers
Choosing the right variety impacts the consistency and quality of your strawberry yield. Everbearing strawberries offer continuous production, which means a steady supply of strawberries throughout the year. This is in contrast to junebearers, which have a limited production window and can only produce for a short period.
Why growers prefer junebearers
Despite their advantages, everbearers are not widely used for winter production due to their susceptibility to dormancy during colder months. This dormancy issue has traditionally made junebearers the preferred choice for winter cultivation, as they can be more easily managed in controlled environments. However, growing everbearers successfully in winter is possible but requires proper irrigation and lighting strategies.
Keeping everbearers active in winter
To keep everbearing strawberries active and out of dormancy during winter, it is essential to integrate effective lighting and irrigation strategies. Here’s how you can achieve this: