Water Management

“In ten years we will be eating lit cultivated cucumbers all winter long”

February 18, 2021

What if we could grow cucumbers in the Netherlands all year round? At the moment, many cucumbers are still imported from southern countries during the winter months. But the demand for local, reliable production of fruit and vegetables has grown in recent years and has been given an extra boost by the coronavirus. Horticulture is responding to this development by researching how to grow cucumbers throughout the year in the most sustainable, efficient way, with the help of additional (LED) lighting. This lit cultivated cucumber crop is currently being tested at Botany, a research partner for companies in, among other things, horticulture. Substrate supplier Grodan and lighting supplier Signify are two of the ten parties participating in the experiment. Jos Beerens, cultivation advisor (Business Support Manager) at Grodan, and Erik Stappers, Plant Specialist Horticulture at Signify, share their first experiences and findings of the experiment in this Gro-hack.

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